Title: | Shiny Module to Create Pivot Tables |
Description: | Shiny Module to create, visualize, customize and export Excel-like pivot table. |
Authors: | Benoit Thieurmel [aut, cre], Thibaut Dubois [aut] |
Maintainer: | Benoit Thieurmel <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 1.2 |
Built: | 2025-02-18 04:42:06 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/shinypivottabler |
Shiny module to render and export pivot tables.
shinypivottabler( input, output, session, data, pivot_cols = NULL, indicator_cols = NULL, max_n_pivot_cols = 100, additional_expr_num = list(), additional_expr_char = list(), additional_combine = list(), theme = NULL, export_styles = TRUE, show_title = TRUE, initialization = NULL ) shinypivottablerUI(id, app_colors = c("#59bb28", "#217346"), app_linewidth = 8)
shinypivottabler( input, output, session, data, pivot_cols = NULL, indicator_cols = NULL, max_n_pivot_cols = 100, additional_expr_num = list(), additional_expr_char = list(), additional_combine = list(), theme = NULL, export_styles = TRUE, show_title = TRUE, initialization = NULL ) shinypivottablerUI(id, app_colors = c("#59bb28", "#217346"), app_linewidth = 8)
input |
shiny input |
output |
shiny input |
session |
shiny input |
data |
pivot_cols |
indicator_cols |
max_n_pivot_cols |
additional_expr_num |
additional_expr_char |
additional_combine |
theme |
export_styles |
show_title |
initialization |
id |
app_colors |
app_linewidth |
Nothing. Just Start a Shiny module.
if (interactive()) { require(shinypivottabler) require(shiny) # demo app runApp(system.file("demo_app", package = "shinypivottabler")) # create artificial dataset n <- 1000000 data <- data.frame("gr1" = sample(c("A", "B", "C", "D"), size = n, prob = rep(1, 4), replace = T), "gr2" = sample(c("E", "F", "G", "H"), size = n, prob = rep(1, 4), replace = T), "gr3" = sample(c("I", "J", "K", "L"), size = n, prob = rep(1, 4), replace = T), "gr4" = sample(c("M", "N", "O", "P"), size = n, prob = rep(1, 4), replace = T), "value1" = 1:n, "value2" = n:1) # Minimal example ui = shiny::fluidPage( shinypivottablerUI(id = "id") ) server = function(input, output, session) { shiny::callModule(module = shinypivottabler, id = "id", data = data) } shiny::shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) # Complete example initialization <- list( "rows" = "gr1", "cols" = "gr2", "target" = "gr3", "combine_target" = "gr4", "idc" = "Count", "combine_idc" = "Count", "combine" = "/", "idcs" = c( list( c("label" = "Init_variable_1", "target" = "gr3", "idc" = "Count", "nb_decimals" = 0, "sep_thousands" = " ", "sep_decimal" = ".", "prefix" = "", "suffix" = "", "combine" = "/", "combine_target" = "gr4", "combine_idc" = "Count") ), list( c("label" = "Init_variable_2", "target" = "gr3", "idc" = "Count") ) ) ) theme <- list( fontName="Courier New, Courier", fontSize="1em", headerBackgroundColor = "red", headerColor = "#FFFFFF", cellBackgroundColor = "#FFFFFF", cellColor = "#000000", outlineCellBackgroundColor = "#C0C0C0", outlineCellColor = "#000000", totalBackgroundColor = "#59bb28", totalColor = "#000000", borderColor = "#404040" ) ui = shiny::fluidPage( shinypivottablerUI(id = "id") ) # we add two functions, one for quantitative variables (Q5) and # one for qualitatives variables (the mode, with a custom function), and # one possible combination (the modulo). my_mode <- function(x) names(which.max(table(x))) server = function(input, output, session) { shiny::callModule(module = shinypivottabler, id = "id", data = data, pivot_cols = c("gr1", "gr2", "gr3", "gr4"), additional_expr_num = list( "Add_Q5" = "paste0('quantile(', target, ', probs = 0.05, na.rm = TRUE)')" ), additional_expr_char = list( "Add_mode" = "paste0('my_mode(', target, ')')" ), additional_combine = c("Add_modulo" = "%%"), theme = theme, initialization = initialization) } shiny::shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) }
if (interactive()) { require(shinypivottabler) require(shiny) # demo app runApp(system.file("demo_app", package = "shinypivottabler")) # create artificial dataset n <- 1000000 data <- data.frame("gr1" = sample(c("A", "B", "C", "D"), size = n, prob = rep(1, 4), replace = T), "gr2" = sample(c("E", "F", "G", "H"), size = n, prob = rep(1, 4), replace = T), "gr3" = sample(c("I", "J", "K", "L"), size = n, prob = rep(1, 4), replace = T), "gr4" = sample(c("M", "N", "O", "P"), size = n, prob = rep(1, 4), replace = T), "value1" = 1:n, "value2" = n:1) # Minimal example ui = shiny::fluidPage( shinypivottablerUI(id = "id") ) server = function(input, output, session) { shiny::callModule(module = shinypivottabler, id = "id", data = data) } shiny::shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) # Complete example initialization <- list( "rows" = "gr1", "cols" = "gr2", "target" = "gr3", "combine_target" = "gr4", "idc" = "Count", "combine_idc" = "Count", "combine" = "/", "idcs" = c( list( c("label" = "Init_variable_1", "target" = "gr3", "idc" = "Count", "nb_decimals" = 0, "sep_thousands" = " ", "sep_decimal" = ".", "prefix" = "", "suffix" = "", "combine" = "/", "combine_target" = "gr4", "combine_idc" = "Count") ), list( c("label" = "Init_variable_2", "target" = "gr3", "idc" = "Count") ) ) ) theme <- list( fontName="Courier New, Courier", fontSize="1em", headerBackgroundColor = "red", headerColor = "#FFFFFF", cellBackgroundColor = "#FFFFFF", cellColor = "#000000", outlineCellBackgroundColor = "#C0C0C0", outlineCellColor = "#000000", totalBackgroundColor = "#59bb28", totalColor = "#000000", borderColor = "#404040" ) ui = shiny::fluidPage( shinypivottablerUI(id = "id") ) # we add two functions, one for quantitative variables (Q5) and # one for qualitatives variables (the mode, with a custom function), and # one possible combination (the modulo). my_mode <- function(x) names(which.max(table(x))) server = function(input, output, session) { shiny::callModule(module = shinypivottabler, id = "id", data = data, pivot_cols = c("gr1", "gr2", "gr3", "gr4"), additional_expr_num = list( "Add_Q5" = "paste0('quantile(', target, ', probs = 0.05, na.rm = TRUE)')" ), additional_expr_char = list( "Add_mode" = "paste0('my_mode(', target, ')')" ), additional_combine = c("Add_modulo" = "%%"), theme = theme, initialization = initialization) } shiny::shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) }